Friday, July 8, 2011

PUTRAJAYA FLORIA 2011 : Roses are Forever

Korang2... rimas la dengan BERSIH lah apelah kan...

so baik korang datang putrajaya lagi best. SEBAB, FLORIA dah start. Yay!!!

Macam-macam ada.............
Bunga-bunga yang cantik-cantik (confirm). Bunga ROSE plak tu
Ade bot berhias dan Pertunjukan Bunga Api. Ha... yang ni kene datang malam la...
katenye tiap2 malam ade....

Pelancaran esok!. So datang beramai-ramai.

Chop!!! Pastu kan ade ni jugak. Ish..ish... bestnya kalau ade org blanje... hint hint... :p

pstt: Tuan punye blog ni tingin nak pegi tapi tataule encik suami rajin ke idok. Padehal dah sekangkang semut je pon Presint 2 tu... sob.. sob...

Putrajaya FLORIA - Malaysia’s premier outdoor garden and flower showcase. Starting from 9-17 July 2011, FLORIA will once again be held at the Waterfront, Precinct 2, Putrajaya.

After successful shows in 2007, 2009 and with over 600 000 visitors from all over the world in 2010, FLORIA returns and is set to be even more spectacular and colourful. The festival showcases the best of the Malaysian and international landscape and horticulture industry; from commercial landscape products to garden design showcase and flower displays. Exhibitors from Malaysia and foreign countries will create exceptional displays and presentations in a park-setting environment.

Themed “Roses Are Forever”, FLORIA 2011 will showcase the biggest collection of Roses in full bloom in an outdoor and indoor theme garden display.


  1. aku tiap2 taun pegi. walaupun rumah aku dulu kat n9 jauhnya tetap gigih.
    cruise tu aku dah naik taun lepas. best.

  2. Cayalah ilot..... Mlm ni ko pegi x? Kalau pegi jumpe kat sane... insyaAllah....
